What Happens When You're Charged With Destroying A Statue

Posted on: 7 July 2020

As the news zeroes in on protestors who are pulling down statues, you may wonder if joining in would bring legal consequences to your doorstep. Can you be arrested for helping tear down a statue? Can you be charged with a crime? This is what you need to know. The Short Answer In short, it is a crime to deface or destroy property like statues. Technically, you could be charged with a crime based on your participation.
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Understanding Juvenile Crimes

Posted on: 3 February 2020

When your child is arrested, you might have a lot of questions. Your son or daughter might be afraid for their future, and you surely have many thoughts rushing through your head. The truth is that when a child commits a crime, the laws get a little more complicated than when an adult commits the same offense. In fact, each court may handle juvenile cases differently. In fact, juveniles don't have the same rights as adults in court.
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Strictly Liability: What It Means And The Possible Defenses

Posted on: 4 November 2019

There are three forms of torts that can give rise to personal injury claims. They include intentional torts, negligence, and strict liability. Many people understand the first two better than the last one. Below is an overview of what strict liability means and the defenses it might attract. What It Means In many forms of personal injury claims, you need to prove that the defendant did something or failed to do something and that action or inaction led to your injuries.
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Did You Hurt Your Head In A Car Accident? You May Be At Risk Of A DUI Charge

Posted on: 18 July 2019

One of the main concerns anytime you're in a car accident is that you'll sustain trauma to your head. Hitting the window or something else in the vehicle can leave you with a serious injury, but you may not always be aware of its extent. If you've been in a collision and the police have responded, the symptoms of your head injury could actually suggest that you're intoxicated. This might lead to a DUI arrest, which you'll definitely want to fight with the help of a DWI lawyer that specializes in wrongful arrests for DUI.
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