Critical Errors To Avoid Making Right After BeingAccused Of A DUI

Posted on: 27 October 2015


There are some highly common mistakes to make after you first get accused of a DUI charge. If you take note of what these common mistakes are, then you can better avoid making these mistakes during the crucial points where it matters.

Fail to Write Everything Down

It's hard to remember every single detail about what happened after the fact, but these details are crucial. It's a good idea to keep a pen and paper in your car anyway, but if you can't find any, then either borrow from others or use whatever materials you have on hand such as taking notes on your phone.

Also, it's important to note the exact location that you were stopped and what time it was, for example. You'll also want to know all the details about exactly what the officer said to you including the stated reason for the stop, whether you took any type of test, and what the exact details of the test were. Don't interrupt anything the officer asks you to do in order to write anything down, but get going on it as soon as you have a spare moment in order to get all the details right.

Act Carelessly on Social Media

It's tempting to immediately post pictures and make statements on social media after an event occurs, but this is often a mistake because if your profile is set to public, then anyone on the other side of the case can use anything you post against you. If you do want to communicate with anyone through social media accounts, make sure that they are restricted and don't allow for public viewing first.

Make sure those on your accounts that can see the images or posts from you know not to pass them around and to restrict their own lists. There are many instances of how oversharing on social media became part of the evidence prosecutors used against people.

Talk Too Much to Officers

Certainly, it's understandable that you're nervous after such an event, but you really need to call a lawyer and wait to say anything beyond what the officers order you to tell them. It helps to clarify which is which since some officers will deliberately keep their conversations with you vague. You are well within your rights to wait for a DUI attorney to help you either on the phone or in person before you have any extended conversations with the police, however.